Thursday, September 15, 2016

President's Message - Fall 2016

OHSLA President
MaryPat Harnegie
I am a warm weather lover and have been enjoying this summer.  I know fall is upon us and so many new things come with it. The OHSLA Fall meeting will be on October 14, 2016 from 9am to 4 pm at the State Library of Ohio, Columbus, OH.  The 4 hour CE class for this meeting will be “Providing Bibliometric Services in the Medical Libraries: Why, what, andhow.”  This is a timely topic as many institutions want to track their institutional scholarly output. Here is the link to the Fall 2016 OHSLA Meeting.

Another fall activity is the Midwest MLA chapter meeting occurring 10/22-10/24/16 at the Des Moines Marriott in Des Moines, IA.  This is a joint meeting with the Midcontinental Chapter of MLA with the theme “Merge and Converge: Sixteen in ‘16”. Some of us will be attending! Here is the meeting link - MCMLA